NF workshop UiO

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Tasks: For example one task per fastq file pair. So one process for FastQC, but several tasks for each file pair.

There is something called nf-prov - for provenance and clinical data. Might be relevant for NIPH someday…

nf-test. Testing framework for Nextflow pipelines. For unit testing.

nf-core community have a big pot of hours on GitPod available to share with us…

Fix the Nextflow version before you run a pipeline. Also fix the version of the pipeline. export NXF_VER=23.10.0

The output of a process can be the standard out:


The work directory: is a wrapper file around the script. You can for example run when you use a docker container. The mounting instructions and input files will be there.

Q: How to output a value from a process into a channel?

nextflow log

You can -resume specific runs. Not only the last one.


Nextflow will then actually stage files into the process and not simply the filenames as strings (if e.g., with channel.of()).

config: process.MULTIQC.container = ‘’ process withName: {


nf-core create-params-file

Will create a params file based on the needed parameters of the pipeline

Use branch to split the samplesheet by AGENS?


Shared configs. For example for different clusters. Test data: Nextflow will recognize https or ftp addresses to files and automatically download them.

Add pipeline:


Harshil Patel talk in the Barcelona 2023 Summit. Automation of the Seqera platform.

Random notes

Don’t need to specify Just give the directory name to nextflow run.

nf-core tools can also remove a module.

Can install subworkflows with nf-core tools instead of modules. E.g. bowtie align samtools…

nextflow run somepipeline –help - the help menu comes from the schema file.

How to edit the schema file:

nf-core schema build They have a web builder also.



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